Tarra Bulga Visitor Centre car park

1885 Grand Ridge Rd, Balook VIC 3971

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ESCAPING YOUR COMFORT ZONE – Tarra Bulga National Park

Meet at the Tarra Bulga Visitor Centre car park.  Look for Richelle with the silver Nissan Pathfinder 4wd with the Escaping Your Comfort Zone stickers.  Hopefully ill have a flag if the weather behaves!

Free body positive women’s hike in association with Make Your Move Latrobe.

Come along and explore the spectacular Tarra Bulga National Park. Filled with tree ferns, prehistoric forest and stunning, creeks and waterfalls, its truly a slice of magic so close to home. And the spectacular Corrigans Suspension Bridge, lets not forget that!

This hike is for all women and gender diverse people. If you are wondering if you’re fit enough for this hike, the answer is YES! We all need to start somewhere and this is a great place to start. This walk is paced for the slowest in the group, and we will be stopping at regular intervals to allow everyone to re-group.

We will hike for 1.5 – 2hrs. We will finish the hike with lunch at the cafe.

This is a slow and steady (S&S) hike, please see our hike ratings here,


The paths may be slippery depending on the rain, so be prepared to get dirty shoes, and potentially wet feet. We highly recommend hiking boots, or running shoes with plenty of grip (ie. dont wear your old gardening shoes! Don’t worry, mud washes out!). Hiking poles can also be helpful if you need an extra bit of stability. Ill bring a spare pair in case anyone needs them.

Kids are welcome, if they are able to walk for 2hrs. Unfortunately this is not suitable for prams, and dogs aren’t allowed in the national park.


To register visit – www.meetup.com/Escaping-Your-Comfort-Zone-Body-Positive-Womens-Hiking/events/253900532/