1 Kerry Rd, Jeeralang Junction
This hike is FREE as part of our association with Make Your Move Latrobe in September.
Join us for explore of the beautiful Morwell National Park. We will head out on the Stringybark Ridge Track, and take our time as it wanders through the ferns, and up into the gums.
This hike is for all women and gender diverse people. If you are wondering if you’re fit enough for this hike, the answer is YES! We all need to start somewhere and this is a great place to start. This walk is paced for the slowest in the group, and we will be stopping at regular intervals to allow everyone to re-group.
We will hike 2-2.5hrs. There is some hills, but we take it very slow and steady on the way up, and on the way down. The downhill side is quite steep, so shoes with good grip is crucial, and bring poles if you need extra support for knees and ankles, or for stability. The paths may be slippery depending on the rain. I will have a spare set of poles if anyone needs them.
We will finish with a picnic back at the carpark. Please bring a plate to share for lunch. Bring what you like, sweet, savoury, store bought or home made is all awesome!
This is a slow and steady (S&S) hike, please see our hike ratings here,
Kids are welcome, if they are able to walk for 2hrs. Unfortunately this is not suitable for prams, and dogs aren’t allowed in the national park.
This hike is FREE as part of our association with Make Your Move Latrobe in September.
To register visit – meetup.com/en-AU/Escaping-Your-Comfort-Zone-Body-Positive-Womens-Hiking/events/254703764/