Mackeys Rd, Churchill, Victoria 3842
Gippsland Body Positive walk – Churchill
Body positive, slow paced hiking, for women and gender diverse people. This hike is a FREE weekly social walk as part of our association with Make Your Move Latrobe.
Join us for a casual, social stroll after work, around Lake Hyland in Churchill. We will walk for around 1hr.
Meet Danielle at the Lake Hyland carpark, on Mackeys Rd, near the toilets.
Kids are welcome, either in prams, or if they are able to walk for up to 1.5hrs. We stop for nappy changes and feeds if need be, it’s all about the company, not a long distance or a speedy pace!
**First Timers**
If this is your first Escaping your Comfort Zone hike, please go online and sign the participation waiver before you join –
This hike is for all women and gender diverse people. If you are wondering if you’re fit enough for this hike, the answer is YES! We all need to start somewhere and this is a great place to start. This walk is paced for the slowest in the group, and we will be stopping at regular intervals to allow everyone to re-group.
**What to wear**
– Comfortable exercise clothing – Layers are great as you can add and remove as you get hot or cold. Please avoid denim and cotton fabrics if at all possible.
– Shoes – any runners with laces is fine
– Light, waterproof raincoat if you have one – we will still walk if its raining
**What to bring**
– Water – at least 500ml
– First Aid and Medical supplies – Some basic first aid supplies are helpful, including any medications you might need, such as asthma puffers and antihistamines. Your health is your responsibility.
– Small Backpack – To hold your layers, jacket and water.
**First Timers**
If this is your first Escaping your Comfort Zone hike, please go online and sign the participation waiver before you join –