Help your local community club to get more Gippy Girls active!

Is your community sport club looking to get more people participating?VicHealth is inviting community sport clubs (clubs) to apply for an Active Club Grant to increase opportunities for more Victorians to be active.

We know how valuable sport is, to get us moving toward better health and wellbeing.

Three out of five women are not getting enough physical activity to benefit their health and many people – particularly people who are less physically active – are interested in more fun, flexible and social sport activities.

This is why VicHealth’s Active Club Grants needs your help to encourage more Victorians to participate in sport.  


Active Club Grants
VicHealth’s Active Club Grants encourage more Victorians to participate in sport in focus area:

Increasing female participation opportunities

  • Focus Area 1: $3,000.00 Increasing female participation in sport
  • Focus Area 1: $10,000.00 Increasing female participation in sport

This Girl Can – Victoria

  • When you apply, you can indicate interest to be considered for additional funding to support the This Girl Can – Victoria campaign

Applications close 4pm, 30 August 2019

To learn more visit:

Or contact GippSport for support for you clubs application:
P| 03 5126 1847      E| 

New funding categories

VicHealth can now offer clubs funding to support venue hire, deliverer fees and small environmental changes that will make your club environment more welcoming to women and girls. 

However, these funds cannot be used retrospectively if the team, competition or program has already been established.


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