Change Gippsland’s Game – Girls in Sport Forum

Change Gippsland’s Game is an exciting workshop for girls aged 14-16 to start their journey on becoming the next generation of female leaders, and help us work with the Gippsland sport sector to be more welcoming, inclusive and supportive for women & girls.

GippSport are inviting 50 young aspiring female change makers from across Gippsland, those who may currently play traditional sport, social sports or who may not be involved in sport at all but have ideas and thoughts on how to activate young women and influence their communities.

This one day forum, hosted by GippSport, is funded by the Victorian Government’s Office for Women in Sport & Recreation to empower Gippsland girls to share their experiences and co-design with us opportunities for girls in their age range to increase participation in sport and recreation within the Gippsland community.

GippSport is working to build an inclusive sport and recreation sector that supports women and girls to play and be involved in the sports they love in a safe, supportive and empowering environment.

GippSport has engaged Dr Erica Randle, Research Fellow at Latrobe University Centre of Sport & Social Impact, to facilitate the day. Dr Randle is leading the Sport Australia’s Youth Participation Research project and will be facilitating the session to help us better understand our community’s needs and empowering the participants to design solutions that can help Gippsland.

It will be an awesome day, filled with activities and workshop sessions. We will conclude the forum with attendees and the GippSport staff participating in a Monster Obstacle course, facilitated by the amazing Summit team. The course includes a range of physical challenges, mental puzzles and it will test your skills. Everyone will finish with a great sense of achievement having completed something they thought they couldn’t or shouldn’t.

To register for expression of interest – Click Here

When: Tuesday 2 October 2018
Where: The Summit, Trafalgar East

For more information about the Change Gippsland’s Game, Girls in Sport Forum, download the information booklet.

 Change Gippsland’s Game – Info Book

The Change Gippsland’s Game Girls in Sport Forum is supported by Change Our Game, an initiative of the Victorian Government