Why not do a 30-Day Self-Care Challenge to celebrate “me”.
International Women’s Day is not far away, and we thought, why not do a 30-Day Self-Care Challenge to celebrate “me”.
Self-care is something that many people struggle to prioritise. There is a misunderstanding that self-care is selfish, but this could not be further from the truth. Self-care is a crucial part of looking after yourself and others. When you practice self-care, you produce positive feelings, which boosts motivation and self-esteem, leaving you with increased energy to support yourself and your loved ones.
We have created a 30-Day Self-Care Challenge starting March 1 and we are inviting our Gippy Girls community to join us in the Challenge.
Grab a copy of the 30-Day Self-Care Challenge (A4 printout) from our website and cross out the challenges as you go!